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Don’t take it from us, read the powerful testimonies that have been written by some of the awesome service members TEAM ADDO has had the pleasure of meeting during this amazing journey.

I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to TEAM ADDO and their veteran’s closet. As I attend transition classes, job fairs and seminars I realized that I was lacking civilian appropriate civilian attire. I was asked why I was in uniform at a seminar a few weeks ago. I replied that I didn’t own any appropriate civilian attire. That is when I was put in contact with James Boggs from TEAM ADDO. James explained that TEAM ADDO has a veteran’s closet that helps transitioning veterans like myself. TEAM ADDO though their veteran’s closet was able to provide me with a suit and shirts that will project a professional business image. Thank you TEAM ADDO and James for giving me the confidence to transition into the professional world.

Charles Pierce

In September of 2014, I left active duty and transferred into the Army reserves. I was ready and willing to start my transition into the civilian world. My first order of business was using my GI bill and starting college at the University of South Florida. Fast forward a few years and numerous classes under my belt, I am now a senior about to graduate. Like most service members, I was prepared for anything transitioning into the civilian world. However, as gradation neared, there was one thing I wasn’t so prepared for. Typically, one’s goal after college is to enter the professional job sector in their field of interest. Up until this point I had everything under control to be competitive in the job market. It wasn’t until I received a call to schedule an interview about a professional internship that I applied for. First thing that popped in my mind, what would I wear? One thing service members do not have to worry about when they wake up in the morning is what to wear. However, in the civilian world you do. The closest thing I had to professional attire was my Army Service Uniform. And that wasn’t happening. Not to mention, I am not the most stylish person around. This is where TEAM ADDO and The Tampa Bay Veterans Closet came to the rescue. The process was effortless. As a result, I was looking top notch in my interview. And thankfully, I got the internship that led me to the job I currently have. The Tampa Bay Veterans Closet was a blessing in a time of need and I can’t thank them enough!

SGT Micheal Hofhenke

I was referred to The Tampa Bay Veterans Closet by a close friend and Marine. I contacted James at the Veterans Closet and we had a few conversations about my military occupation and history. After, receiving the suits I have had multiple occasions to wear them on the various ventures I am currently pursuing. James and everyone involved have been extremely generous throughout the entire process. I am going to do my best to spread the word about this great organization. I would just like to say thank you to James from Tampa Bay Veterans Closet and Joe Sale from Tampa Image Factory for the amazing photos.

Joe Lemen

I was recently fortunate enough to be part of the TEAM ADDO charity. I’m a 20 year Navy SEAL coming up on retirement and with all the stressors that come along with retirement such as selling a house, moving, and most importantly finding a new job they were able to fit me with much needed suits to help me have the confidence that I’m dressed for success in today’s world. They exceeded my expectations and I can’t say enough about how well they treated me. Not only did they help me find the suits that best fit me, but they also explained why and how I should dress for certain occasions.

Thank you for all that you do!

PaulNavy Seal

25 years ago, I was issued Army fatigues and told EXACTLY how to wear them on a constant basis by Drill Sergeants. No matter how much time I spent correcting deficiencies they would only find more. This was all part of the process of becoming a professional soldier and taking pride in the uniform I wore for so long. I never had to choose a combination of shirt, pants, tie, shoes, belt, socks, etc. All I had to do was put on my uniform like a professional. During my transition from the military I have learned that wearing civilian attire professionally presents a whole new set of challenges. Thankfully I found the Veterans Closet with TEAM ADDO. Now I can confidently conduct job interviews knowing I look like a professional civilian. TEAM ADDO completely turned my transition around! I am truly grateful and highly recommend this veteran resource to all transitioning Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines that are looking to join the corporate workforce!

Edward Carson

I learned about Veteran’s Closet and TEAM ADDO after attending a workshop on LinkedIn taught by Peter Blum at MacDill AFB. Peter happens to be the 1st Veteran recipient as well as a very active veteran advocate in the Tampa Bay area. I reached out to James Boggs one of the founders of this amazing organization and he put me in contact with a few keys players like Steve Page (volunteer), and Joe Sale an amazing photographer from Tampa Bay Image Factory. Everyone involved went above and beyond to make the experience seamless and a few even it said since they didn’t serve this was their way of paying back. How awesome is that!

This introduction came at a good time because I was unemployed since April after the company I worked at for 8 years suddenly closed its doors and also our home in South Florida sustained considerable damage from Hurricane Irma, but due to our very high Hurricane deductible we came out of pocket to complete the repairs to the tune of thousands of dollars.

In February 2018 I will retire after 30 years of service in the Air Force Reserves and am thankful I’ve had the opportunity to make some amazing connections in the military and now I am happy to say I have added a few more.

Thanks again to all the people that donated their time to help someone who they don’t even know.

MSgt Joe GarvinAir Force Reserves

My experience with TEAM ADDO was very pleasant. I cannot thank Mr. Boggs enough for his wonderful hospitality and guidance when it came to picking out a perfect suit for me. Following the suit and alterations, Mr. Boggs then worked with me to have professional head shots taken for my LinkedIn profile. Everything was provided to me at no cost! TEAM ADDO is a wonderful non-profit organization! I seriously cannot thank them enough! Not to mention, everything happened with perfect timing because immediately following the photo shoot, I woke up to an email from an employer who was interested in my talent. I walked into the interview with my head held high and feeling confident all because TEAM ADDO provided me with such a sharp, form fitting suit.

Matthew Estes

I am very grateful for TEAM ADDO and their mission. For the past 21 years of active duty service I have had no issues knowing what to wear to work. It was simple. Either utilities, service, or dress uniforms that were dictated by the appointed uniform for the day. Now that I am preparing to retire from active duty service, I realize that I have a major deficiency in business attire. I was lucky enough to find TEAM ADDO’s Tampa Bay Veteran’s Closet and I reached out to them for assistance. I was not sure if they would be able to assist me on the west coast, but it was not an issue for them. I can’t thank you enough for the assistance. You have identified a gap that many veteran’s have upon retirement. Thank you very much for your support and service to transitioning service members!

Rafael TrevinoSemper Fi

TEAM ADDO is a US registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN 82-0774288.

4488 W Boy Scout  Suite 200  Tampa, FL 33607     1-800-397-0901